Kiwi Host
Major: Finance and Economics
Origins: Christchurch
I’ve never had another kiwi host before, but I think Liz has to be one of the best. She has a playful sense of humor. Upon first arriving, I quickly learned she has the kiwi instinct to lie, though not in a bad way, just to mess with us internationals, and about 3 seconds after the lie she confesses the truth. Probably the best one she’s told us yet (unfortunately I wasn’t there for it, but I heard all about it) was the first time we lost power in our apartment. Dave asked what happened, did we blow a fuse or something? Liz responded with oh no, there’s just this tension/conflict between the people of Dunedin and the government and sometimes the government shuts down our power when the citizens have been acting up (or she said something along those lines). Being Dave (though I will confess I probably would have fallen for it myself momentarily) he was like “seriously?!” Then she broke down laughing and explained that our prepayment on our electricity just ran out.
She’s great to have conversations with; she loves to ask us a lot about the US, comparing it with New Zealand (not in like they’re better because they do this way, but, oh we do this different way); and she’s so helpful in answering any of our questions (or answering them before we even know we were going to ask) or talking about things like politics without any tension (just genially curiosity). She works at this rugby store, which she hates (working in the store, pretty sure she enjoys rugby to a degree), but she also devotes quite a bit of time to soccer and hockey which she just got into the last couple of years and loves. She looks foreword to traveling the world one day, has plans to visit the US and love to watch a hockey game there where people actually like hockey (I mentioned she should just go to UNH to see a game, apparently we’re pretty good).
Oh and she’s fantastic because she (with Dave’s help) made my surprise birthday cake-which automatically puts her on my list of amazing people.
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