Alright, since I failed to keep up on my blog since my New Zealand trip, I'll take a moment (or three) here to go over the highlights of the last three years to catch you up to speed on what I've been up to.
New Zealand October to November 2011
Hiking...No, wading through the watery trail on a rainy day |
Much of this time was devoted to finishing my two papers (one on large scale composting and applying it to the University of Otago, and why people do sustained high risk activities like mountaineering/alpine climbing), and studying for finals. Around the beginning of November I finished the last of my undergraduate classes. I thought for sure they'd be my last classes ever, but three years later, I'm having second thoughts. In celebration of finishing school, I departed on a 11-day tramping trip on Stewart Island, connecting the North and South circuits. If you ever go to New Zealand, you need to do a mandatory detour to there. Spend 4 or 5 days hiking, I can almost guarantee you'll see a kiwi. Yes, rumors are true of how muddy and wet it is, but that's really an essential part of the adventure.
Claire fishing on a beach of Stewart Island |
Upon finishing my trip I headed to Peel Mountain Adventure Centre to finish my internship hours so I could actually graduate.
December 2011-February 22, 2012
Just before the Holidays, life became a whirlwind.
Mt Cook from the top of Haast Ridge.
I squeezed in a proper climb up Mt Cook (4+ days to get up and down New Zealand's tallest peak) with Danilo Hegg via Haast Ridge, Linda Glacier, and down Cinema Col.
Danilo Just before we got on Tasman Glacier |

The last month I snuck in a climb on Sabre in the Darrens with Steven McInally. It was an epic 3 day trip with my first bivy that was unplanned no less. That's one of those things that's absolutely miserable in the moment but a great story for later that you'll brag and laugh about. I also made another trip to Paynes Ford for climbing with Emily. I then spent the last two weeks traveling in a car with the parents who came to visit (needless to say, I was pretty antsy with them after 2 months of non-stop go).
The stunning views from the base of Sabre |
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